mike enriquez

Mac/iOS/Web Developer

Technical stuff

EZPZ Tooltip Demo

The following are some examples of how the EZPZ Tooltip can be used.

Click here to visit the documentation

Default, no options

The tooltip appears as you hover over the target, and follows the mouse cursor until it leaves the target.

Simple ToolTip

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet enim…



The options showContent(content){} and hideContent(content){} allow you to customize how the content element is shown and hidden. Given a reference to the content element, you can call an effect on it.

Effects ToolTip
  contentId: 'simple-content-1',
  showContent: function(content) {
  hideContent: function(content) {
    // if the showing animation is still running, be sure to stop it
    // and clear the animation queue. otherwise, repeatedly hovering will
    // cause the content to blink.
    content.stop(true, true).fadeOut('slow');

Static Position

The tooltip appears in a static position relative to the target.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet enim…

Static Position ToolTip
$("#static-target-1").ezpz_tooltip({ contentPosition: 'rightStatic' });

Stay on Content

A static tooltip that stays visible when mouse is over the target and the content.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet enim…
You can reach down and click this

Stay on Content ToolTip
  contentPosition: 'belowStatic',
  stayOnContent: true,
  offset: 0


A tooltip with the content loaded with AJAX

AJAX ToolTip
  beforeShow: function(content){
    if (content.html() == "") {
      $.get("/ajax.html", function(html){

Getting Fancy with it

Using CSS, the content element can be styled with a background image that uses transparencies.

Fancy ToolTip

Wow! That’s EZPZ!